Our team

Get to know our team

The A&T Personeelgroep’s team consists only of enthusiastic people with a big dose of experience. Professionals who reflect the passion for their job in all that they do.

What derives is hard work and an enjoyable workfloor: both characteristics are embedded in the DNA of our professionals.

We are happy to recommend them also to you! If you have questions or comments that you would like to discuss personally, of course you can contact them directly.


A&T Today

Vacatures per vakgebied

Vestiging Malden

Steiger 8
+31(0)24 35 83 980
+31(0)6 105 673 97
Plan een route via
Google Maps of 9292ov.nl.

Vestiging Oss

Randmeer 32
5347 JW OSS
+31(0)412 820 222
+31(0)6 105 673 97
Plan een route via
Google Maps of 9292ov.nl.